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the abdomen, painful sensations in the stomach and in the abdomen, as well
                                                           It helps to improve digestion, activates the stomach, eliminates blood stasis.
                                                              It is used for the retention of undigested food, manifested in heaviness in
                                                                      da Bunge,

                                                                       Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge, Liriope spicata Lour, Raphanus
                                                                     COMPOSITION: water, honey, aqueous extracts: Crataegus pinnatifi
                                                                  as for loose stools caused by stagnation of undigested food.

                                                                            tinctoria L., CaSo4*2H2O. sativus L., Citrus reticulata Blanco,  Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.,  Isatis  According to TCM: Xiao Shi Bao Oral liquid harmonizes the work of the  stomach and spleen, strengthens and moves qi, removes stagnant food,  helps to reduce stomach heat, cleanses the heat in the Yang-ming merid-

                                                                            10 VIALS   OF 10 ML  POINTS  4,88

                                                            Xiao Shi Bao   Oral liquid  ELIXIR HARMONIZING  THE STOMACH AND SPLEEN  PARTNERS AND CLIENTS  CUSTOMER   PRICE    PRICE  14,40 €  20,16 €

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