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cinale (rhizome).

                                                        Bestseller             ect.

                   A RECIPE   OVER   1000 YEARS                 The Qi Pills contain ingredients that improve the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and  intestines. It increases physical efficiency, stimulates hematopoiesis, possesses general  strengthening, tonic properties, it is a choleretic agent, helps relieve the intensity of painful  sensations. It normalizes the functions of the spl

                                                                                    (root), Citrus reticulata Blanco (peel), Chinese date (fruits), Zingiber offi
                                                                              hemoglobin in the blood, improves mood, has a rejuvenating eff  dehydration caused by empty spleen and stomach.

                                                                             10 PILLS   OF 9 G  POINTS  6,09

                                                                      PILLS STRENGTHENING  THE SPLEEN AND STOMACH  PARTNERS AND CLIENTS   PRICE    17,93 €

                                                                  Qi Pills               CUSTOMER   PRICE  25,10 €

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