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Strengthen the immune system, prevent and reduce the formation of
                                                                     ect,    ect.
                                                                        elasticity of the vascular wall, have a mild diuretic and calming eff
                                                                      normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, increase the
                                                                    effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They have a vasodilating eff
                                                                 They promote high-quality digestion of food, have a benefi

                                                                              ect.     According to TCM: hawthorn opens the stomach, facilitates the digestion of  food, especially meat products. Revitalizes the blood, due to the elimination  of local blood stasis, it has an auxiliary effect in case of injuries.
                                                                             free radicals, have an anti-oncological eff COMPOSITION: hawthorn, granulated sugar, water.

                                                                                          POINTS  1,50

                                                                  Hawthorn Pastilles  PASTILLES  200 G  PARTNERS AND CLIENTS  CUSTOMER   PRICE    PRICE  4,45 €  6,24 €

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