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               Bestseller                                     Improve work, normalize the enzymatic and secretory activity of the  gastrointestinal tract, protect the gastric mucosa from damage. Stimu- late metabolism, strengthen the immune system, increase the level of  hemoglobin in the blood. Improve mood, have a rejuvenating eff Strengthen muscles and ligaments, prevent prolapse of interna

                                                                                   root, glycyrriza glabra root.  spleen and stomach, raise the descending yang.

                    A RECIPE   OVER   1000 YEARS                             10 PILLS   OF 9 G  POINTS  5,21
                                                               Dragon’s gall Pills   PILLS WITH GENTAGE ROUGH,  REMOVING HARMFUL FEAT   FROM THE LIVER  PARTNERS AND CLIENTS  CUSTOMER   PRICE    PRICE  15,35 €  21,48 €
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