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gallbladder, normalizes bile formation, removes congestion in the liver. Improves well-
                                                                    The phyto-ingredients that make up the Hu Gang Pills help maintain liver health: they
                                                                       promote liver tissue regeneration, protect the liver from the toxic effects of industrial
                                                                         poisons and pharmacological agents. It helps to reduce fever and eliminate toxins,
                                                                           has a choleretic, diuretic properties. It helps to restore the function of the liver and

                                                                                  being, helps to eliminate difficulty in urinating. Cheers up, improves sleep quality. COMPOSITION: honey, Schisandra chinensis (fruits), Dianthus superbus (herb),  Bupleurum Chinese (root), Isatis tinctoria (root). According to TCM: they cleanse the heat of the blood, expel poison from the  body, moisturize dryne

                                                                              15 PILLS   OF 3 G  POINTS  8,70

                     A RECIPE   OVER   1000 YEARS                                        PARTNERS AND CLIENTS   PRICE    25,62 €
                                                                      Hu Gan Pills  LIVER PROTECTIVE PILLS  CUSTOMER   PRICE  35,87 €

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